Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Idiot Abroad

There is an interesting thread over at Rachel Lucas' place about our the President's difficulties in ginning up support for a Syrian adventure.  Some are arguing that it is more dangerous to leave the President hanging than it is to back a horrible policy.  Whether you think that Obama's credibility could suffer any more indignities or not, there is some merit to the idea that the Executive is the face of the nation abroad.

Having said that, I think that physicsgeek has the right of it in the comments; fuck him.  There have to be penalties for incompetence, and this is one of them.  If Mr. Obama spends the next three years being ridiculed by the Congress and the rest of the world, that is on him.  Perhaps a message could be sent to our elites that we expect the barest level of competence in the highest office.  Maybe the electorate could learn the same lesson.

Hanging an idiot out to dry may not be as stimulating as tar and feathers, but it's probably less disruptive to the nation. 

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